How to Lose Belly Fat after Pregnancy?


Childbirth is the miracle of life. The beauty of it cannot be measured in words. However, the 9 months of a woman’s life can carry more than just a baby. From mental health to physical health, routine, patterns, lifestyle, eating habits, and even thought processes, everything changes. And it’s not always easy to deal with so much. Especially the after-effects of childbirth beginning with excessive weight gain. That’s when the most searched phrase became ways to lose belly fat after pregnancy.

A healthy mind and body bring confidence and there is nothing wrong in thinking about how to get back in shape after giving birth. But it’s still not right to jump into heavy exercises and expect miracles overnight. After pregnancy, one must take things slow and make healing their first priority. Over time, belly fat will also fade with simple tips given below. Ladies, are you ready to lose the after-pregnancy belly fat?

Taking Care of Yourself After Childbirth

The most important thing to keep in mind after giving birth is taking lots and lots of rest. The transition from pregnancy to postpartum varies in symptoms, and experiences. However, the solution to all is rest. In order to begin the journey of weight loss after pregnancy, you must keep a few points in mind.

Give your Body Time to Heal

The first six weeks after delivery are called the postpartum or recovery period. Your body isn’t the same as it used to be 9 months back. It has been stretched wide, stressed to its maximum limit, and tolerated the pain like fractures. You can easily understand it needs to recover and rejuvenate before you make any rash decision to incorporate exercising to reduce belly fat. Hence, aim to lose no more than 1 pound per week. Since each body and its symptoms are different, even if you lose less than a pound in a week, it’s completely okay.

Eat a Healthy Diet to Lose Belly Fat After Pregnancy

Whether it’s postpartum, after postpartum, or during pregnancy, you need to follow a healthy diet. It will not only help you recover properly but also, along with that, help you to lose weight. Make sure to consume fresh, whole foods that are high in nutrients and low in calories. Have plenty of fruits, vegetables, and lean protein. Don’t consume processed foods or too much sugar. The healthier the better. And only a freshly made diet can help you.

Again, keep in mind to avoid saturated fats, refined sugar, sugary drinks, processed foods, fried foods, alcohol, and salty foods, at all times. You have to control your cravings to see any results. Consume more seeds and nuts, fresh fruits especially citrus, green leafy vegetables, brown rice, low-fat dairy products, eggs, etc.

Get Regular Exercise


It is acceptable to start doing moderate-intensity exercises most days of the week for 30 minutes a day. Exercising can help you burn calories and build muscle mass, which will aid belly fat loss. Do not pressurize your body into doing more than it can take. Even with time, do not increase the time or intensity of exercising until your body has recovered.

Do Core Exercises

Each part of your body requires complete recovery before you can move to any intense workout or even regular work. However, during postpartum, you can do some core exercises to improve the strength of your abdominal muscles and improve your posture. Yes, it can be a bit painful due to the soreness. But you can always start from the beginning to avoid putting too much pressure on your body. Core exercises like planks, pelvic tilts, and keels can help that flabby, belly fat stay away from you. please note that if you have given a vaginal birth, only then these tips are useful. After a surgical or C-section birth, you might need a longer time to recover and avoid any or all exercises, especially the abdominal ones.

Breastfeed to Lose Belly Fat After Pregnancy


While many women choose not to breastfeed to keep their breasts in shape, they forget the part it is in fact important to burn calories and lose weight. Eat sufficient calories and follow a healthy diet for milk production so that breastfeeding becomes easier. Not only weight loss, but breastfeeding has other benefits associated with your child’s present and future health. The nutrients and minerals in breast milk help build the immunity that no synthetic milk can provide your baby. Hence, if you are planning to focus on your overall weight loss, you might have to include breastfeeding in your routine.

Get Enough Sleep

The stress hormone is the biggest enemy and your fat’s best friend. Break that friendship and avoid taking too much stress. Of course, everything changes after giving birth. It is understandable. Divide the baby’s work and household chores, or get help. Fix a routine and don’t let it be too harsh. Cortisol can promote belly fat storage. And if you are sleep deprived, your cortisol hormone will shoot up and you will gain weight in no time. Aim for 7-8 hours of regular sleep at night, and a power nap in the afternoon if needed. Remember to rest well to recover faster.

Be Patient to Lose Belly Fat After Pregnancy

Your journey of pregnancy and postpartum was a rollercoaster ride with emotions all over the place. Being impatient will make you feel less confident and more disappointed. But you need to remember that patience is the key to success. Yes, the process of belly fat loss will be slower after childbirth but it won’t be impossible. You will be like you used to be. Give yourself some time and love.

Stay Hydrated


Water will help flush out any toxins and even aid breast milk production. Drink plenty of water all day, especially before and after exercising. Staying hydrated at all times is extremely important to control cravings, and boost your metabolism.

Exercises to Lose Belly Fat After Pregnancy

Wider waist, heavier hips, stretch marks, softer belly, lower back fat, plumped parts. Basically, you will be heavier after your pregnancy. Along with a healthy, nutritious diet, you must do regular exercise to eliminate any weight gain you have. However, if you have given uncomplicated vaginal birth, start with aerobic exercises a few days after delivery. But if you have had C-section, you will need to wait for a few weeks and consult your doctor before making any lifestyle changes in your routine. The exercises after pregnancy must be delicate for safety factors.


Walking is the best aerobic exercise to begin with. It is low impact and can be done anytime at your own pace. Start by walking for shorter time period or however much your body can take. Gradually increase the pace, time, and intensity. You can include basic stretching and twisting to strengthen and tone your muscles. As you recover and this becomes easy, add more aerobic exercises to your routine.

Kegel Exercises

While Kegels are popular amongst the mom-to-be, they are also essential after the delivery. New moms could experience pelvic floor weakness. And kegels are the best way to ensure a stronger pelvic floor. In fact, you can start them within a day or two after giving birth. Word of advice, even if you don’t feel like doing them, squeeze them into your routine anyway.

To do a Kegel exercise, contract your pelvic floor muscles as if you were trying to stop the flow of urine. Hold this contraction for a few seconds, then relax. Repeat this exercise 10-15 times, several times a day.

Postnatal Yoga to Lose Belly Fat After Pregnancy

Before, during, and after pregnancy, yoga is the best way to ensure a healthy physical and mental body. It can help with flexibility, posture, and strength, and reduce stress. Yoga also boosts energy, improves fatigue, and helps you relax better. Yoga is the best to include in your routine. If you are consistent, you don’t need a lot of exercise at all. Yoga is enough to handle all and is the best way to lose belly fat after pregnancy.

Pelvic Tilt

Another great exercise for strengthening your pelvic floor is pelvic tilt. It is helpful to lose any belly and abdominal fat that gets accumulated after giving birth.

To do a pelvic tilt, lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Tighten your pelvic floor muscles and lift your pelvis off the ground until your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. Hold this position for a few seconds, then slowly lower your pelvis back to the ground.


Even though you can go swimming after the postpartum or recovery period is over, it will prove to be a very useful and refreshing exercise for you. It helps to lose weight and tone body muscles faster. However, don’t jump into the pool before the recommended time period and without the doctor’s recommendation as it can cause infection.

Other Exercises to Fit into Your Routine to Lose Belly Fat

Apart from the very important exercises mentioned, planks, Pilates, reverse crunch, leg raises, hip exercises, and bridging exercises, are important for abdominal strengthening. They also help core muscles and get you back in shape.

As a new mother, you might be insecure about your body. But you have nothing to be insecure about. Stretch marks, fat, everything you are experiencing is perfectly normal. Love yourself every day and only then any of these methods will work for you. What matters is you are happy, healthy, and alive, and so is your beautiful creation. Don’t be so hard on yourself and jump to every opportunity to lose belly fat after pregnancy.


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